Monday, July 19, 2010

The Beautiful 'Tudes

Happy are the ones who have a true and deep knowledge of the debt that was paid for them personally: for God will show and give His kingdom to them.

Happy are those that bewail their sinful condition and see no remedy within themselves: for God will open their eyes to His only begotten son.

Happy are the tamed in spirit: they will be qualified to receive, care for and live in God's coming new world.

Happy are those that are craving to live pleasing to the Father: there craving will be satisfied.

Happy are those that jump up and down with excitement to show mercy: they will be first in line to receive the Father's mercy.

Happy are the ones who can be thrown into the middle of a messy conflict: they have taken on the image of God's firstborn son who mediated the conflict between man and God.

Be happy when others seek to destroy you because of your craving to please the Father: you have an address with a mailbox in the only true unmovable kingdom.

Happy are you when others upbraid, scorn and attack you and even lie about you because you are identified with Jesus: for you have a paycheck waiting for you that cannot be compared with the work you do to suffer for him.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Soul Musings - Psalm 101

V1 I have a song to sing that the whole earth needs to hear. My song is about my Father's love that is so stubborn he tracks me down when I am running from him. My song also is about my Father's justice. It is perfect with no flaws that come from non-divine beings.
V2 I want to be like my Father. While I am waiting for my Father to come and rule in divinity, I will focus my attention on ordering my own house in a blameless, integrity filled way as he would expect me to do.
V3 One thing I know I can do that is like my Father is to make sure I do not meditate on godless or worthless ways of conduct. In fact, I despise leaving worship of the true God to worship no-gods. No matter who they are or what natural gain I could lose, I will not let idol worshippers rub off on me.
V4 Another thing I can do is to remove from all consideration in my thoughts and daily interactions those who show themselves to be morally perverse. Those who openly ridicule you and your ways.
V5 Those who secretly and slyly kill their friend with their tongue prove that they are not like you; I will also remove them from all consideration in my thoughts and daily interactions. As I continue to order my own house, I will not keep company with the arrogant. You dwell with the humble and lowly, I will do likewise. I will not respect personages.
V6 Since I am in the position as king, I will choose those that have proven themselves to be constant in serving you to serve me. In my house, they will always have a place at the table. Those that are serious about staying clean before you; they will minister to me and those in my house.
V7 Those that sell lies for some sort of profit will find no customers at my house. If I find out they are even slandering for no gain I will ask them to leave.
V8 Father, you have given me responsibility for your city. Each morning I will be attentive to watch for those that want you, your stubborn love, and your justice removed. I will purge any and all that fit these qualifications of evil.

NOTE: What is not written at the end of this psalm must still be remembered from verse 2. The psalmist is still waiting for God to come help him since he knows he cannot fill the real kings shoes. All these other verses are 'occupying and waiting' verses until the "real king" comes to take charge. At that time, and only at that time, there will be no possibility for mistaken death row inmates. (Those from Illinois will appreciate this.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Soul Musings - Psalm 141

Oh mighty God, I am laying before you and only you the deepest cry of my heart: don't delay, come right now; I need you to listen to what I am saying within, the intense earnest voice of my soul to you.
When you hear my prayer, let the words and attitude be unto you as a sweet incense with an aroma that only you have the formula for; let my lifted hands represent my deepest praise for the offering of Christ my saviour.
Let my spirit be calmed by you in such a way that the words that come from my mouth would only be uplifting and strengthening; let my lips become a doorway for only wholesome conversation concerning you and my fellow man.
Please touch my heart that it would not be deceived to see any separation from you or your ways as something to be desired, some self-serving pastry that would give temporary delight.
I submit to your correction O righteous king; your correction is a kindness to me, a proof that you are my loving father: chastise me deeply that there will be memorable wounds that your oil of mercy will heal; your oil will not break my head but preserve it; I will pray to stay away from the distractions of the evil and their evil ways.
When rewards come for the evil, I want to observe it and not participate in it; I want my prayer then and now to be one of sweet gratitude for keeping me in your ways.
Their bones will be displayed at the mouth of the grave just like plowing the earth brings to the surface hidden junk that must be disposed of.
But God, I am looking at you intently with an expectation of deliverance: I am looking at you and you alone, no one else - ever; please do not leave my very being destitute, forgotten, banished or helpless.
There are hidden traps laid for me, help me see them; the wicked one has a factory of discouragement schemes he is using on me.
Keep me from falling into his plans and let only those that reject your gospel fall into his net.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Psalm 23 - Soul Musings

Ah, the protector of my soul is God Almighty. It is impossible that my needs will not be met.
When I am weary, tired and hungry; he guides me to the perfect place for rest and nourishment.
When my inner man is parched and fainting, he brings me to the calming river of life where I can drink deeply without fear.
God Almighty has taken responsibility for encouraging my soul. He understands the pitfalls of sin and leads me down the path of his righteous ways to protect me. After all, he has coupled the fame of his name with the salvation of my soul.
Look, even when it seems he is against me because death is near or I wish to die to escape the dark valleys of human experience; I cannot, must not fear that evil is destroying me. I must remember the relationship between his name and my soul; he is with me. My ear has become open to the benefits of his correction. Lord, I will speak to you now rather than just about you. I see your love and support for me as you restrict my inclinations to wander into unrighteousness.
Even though I am surrounded by enemies to my soul, you have brought understanding to my heart so they they do not influence me; I see your secure care and provision for me.
You have not only provided for me, you have blessed me beyond the ability to measure.
You have adopted me and opened your storehouse of blessings to me; my emotions burst with joy when I consider your attentiveness and commitment to me.
I have become fully persuaded that your covenant keeping love has sought me out and will continue to pursue me down every road and pathway of life. When I consider your thoughts toward me, I am left to conclude all my musings with this simple truth; I will spend eternity with you.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Spreading God's Love

Judy and I have been feeling to get more involved with our family in spreading God's love to those in our community. Sis. Jennifer Nargang posted on Facebook a Relay For Life function on April 24. I am looking at this a s a signal from the Lord that his dealing in our hearts is real and that he may be working with others as well. I am beginning to put together a list of charities in our area using the website with a filter set on Communities - Kankakee. However, I am aware that there may be others that know of small, Christian based, non-profit organizations that we could support as led by God. (prefer to support with time vs. money right now and also prefer whole family participation personnaly) If any of you are aware of these types of organizations or wish to help research what is out there, go ahead and send me an email with your thoughts. (
NOTE: This is not an official activity of our church as directed by the Pastor/Elders/Trustees. This is just something personal that we have been feeling. I don't know where it will lead and neither do I have any preplanned agenda at this point. If you feel led, pray about this and do as the Lord directs you. Also, if you have words of wisdom, insight, caution or direction, please feel free to relay them.

Anthony Wilkinson